accounting period - vertaling naar russisch
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accounting period - vertaling naar russisch

accounting period         
отчетный период
accounting period         

бухгалтерский учет

отчетный период (промежуток времени, за который составляются финансовые отчеты; обычно составляет год, квартал или месяц)


reporting period; period under report; period under review

accounting period         
отчётный период; финансовый год


accounting management
<networking> The process of identifying individual and group access to various network resources to ensure proper access capabilities (bandwidth and security) or to properly charge the various individuals and departments. Accounting management is one of five categories of network management defined by ISO for management of OSI networks. (1997-05-05)


Accounting period
An accounting period, in bookkeeping, is the period with reference to which management accounts and financial statements are prepared.
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor accounting period
1. The Labour Party reported more than 28 million, the vast majority of which was received before the latest accounting period of April to June, it said.
2. With the lost of the ministry of oil and energy to NCP, there is no doubt that the SPLM will have to read between lines to determine the exact dollar amount generated from the sale of crude oil for a specific accounting period.
3. In figures declared voluntarily by the parties and released yesterday by the commission, Labour revealed loans totally more than 28m, the Tories more than 2.8m, and the Liberal Democrats 584,23'. The majority of the Labour party‘s total of 28m was received before the latest accounting period of April to June, it said.